Date: Thursday, 10 December 2020
Place: Zoom Conference Call
Governance inevitably goes to leadership and culture. In the future, it will be important to be clear about what is meant by public sector culture and the changes needed to public sector leadership longer-term.
This leadership summit explored the key characteristics that leaders must have and the cultures they need to cultivate in order to effectively meet the challenges to public sector governance over the next decade. The discussion was focused around several key questions:
How does the leadership of the public sector need to change to secure better public outcomes in the next decade?
What changes, if any, should be made to the standards of leadership which operate in the public sector and how can accountability for acting in accordance with them be made more effective?
What needs to be done now to ensure the right leaders for the future are in place by 2030?
What should be the hallmarks of public sector boards in 2030 if they are to be fi t for purpose – scope, remit, composition, accountability?